Open into Change

Healing Lives of People and Pets

Open into Change

Healing Lives of People and Pets

The Beauty of Sight

" The eyes are the window to your soul "

William Shakespeare

If you're like me you may have noticed that sadly, over time, the clarity of your vision has decreased. Perhaps you wear glasses or wear them when reading, driving or performing other tasks. But what if it's really possible to improve your eyesight and increase your visual appreciation of the world around you, which is filled with an immense richness of color, form, texture and detail.

Dr. William Bates was an American physician who practiced Ophthalmology and developed a method known as the Bates Method in the early 1900s. His book, The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses, is still available and there are currently many vision teachers who have based their work on the Bates Method, but have updated it. 

About a decade ago, I decided to embark on the journey of improving my eyesight and purchased The Program For Better Vision from the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision. I experienced some results within a few weeks, but unfortunately didn't continue. Recently, as I was noticing an increase in blurry vision, I ordered the updated version of the program and have already seen changes.