Open into Change

Healing Lives of People and Pets

Open into Change

Healing Lives of People and Pets

The Healing Power of Water


If it is said that breath is life, then surely it should be said that water is life also, for our very survival depends upon them both. We live on an incredibly beautiful planet, sometimes referred to as the Blue Jewel, and seventy one percent of Earth’s surface is covered in water. Our own bodies, with our trillions of cells, are also comprised of up to seventy percent water.

Just as we are able to use our awareness to regulate our breath in order to release stress, modify mood and to energize and oxygenate our system, we can use water more consciously, not only to cleanse ourselves, but to enhance our health and well-being.

We have been fortunate in the Western world to enjoy fairly easy access to running water, even if much of it has been chemically treated in ways that can’t be called healthful. Yet, compared to many other parts of the world, where running water and water in general is scarce, we should count ourselves lucky.

The origins of hydrotherapy, the use of water to relieve pain and enhance health, must stretch way back, perhaps even beyond recorded history. But we do know that the ancient Greeks, Chinese, Roman and Egyptian civilizations used water as a healing tool. Now we go to spas, hot springs, use hot tubs, foot baths, soak in sea salts and essential oils and enjoy modalities like Watsu, but what are some other ways we can use water to improve our health and increase our sense of well-being?

For years, I’ve been starting my day, not with caffeine, but with an alternating hot and cold shower. It has been shown to increase blood flow and boosts the immune system. Because you are alternating between hot and cold quickly, switching back and forth seven times or so, it isn’t at all as challenging as it might sound. And certainly has me start my day feeling awake and alive.

You can also use water, especially at night, to purify and cleanse yourself and your aura. You can rub yourself with salt as you shower, or you can picture the water as liquid light, and visualize that it is rinsing away all discordant, energetic debris you picked up as you moved through your day.

Just as fire is used in ceremony and ritual, so too, can water be used. Stand by the edge of a stream, or by a body of water and send flowers or leaves adrift. Let them carry your prayers, your intentions, or a thought, worry or an unwanted behavior that you would like to release. Be creative, invent your own ritual.

Dr. Masaru Emote, the famous Japanese scientist, gave us a great gift when he conducted and shared his experiments with water. He proved that water contains what could be called a living consciousness, a memory.

He found that the molecular structure of water changes when exposed to words, thoughts, sounds and intentions. His remarkable photographs of frozen water crystals demonstrate that when water is exposed to loving, benevolent, compassionate words, beautiful crystalline structures are formed, but when water is exposed to fearful, discordant human intentions, the crystals form disconnected, disfigured and aesthetically displeasing structures.

He also found that if he taped loving written words, facing inward, on a vessel of water, magnificent crystals would be formed. Ever since hearing that I have been taping my own words on bottles of spring water, or holding a glass of water before I drink it and sending a blessing into it.

When I was training to be a Reiki Master, we conducted our own experiments in class and found that we could use our hands to charge and send healing energy into a liquid to make it taste more pleasing.

It saddens my heart that so many of our oceans and waterways have been treated with such careless, abusive disregard and are filled with toxic waste and plastics. Water deserves to be respected honored and cherished. Water is life.

To learn more about Dr. Emoto and to see some of his amazing photos, visit ~